Thursday, June 2, 2011

Love Quotes

Do I Love You?

It's not that I haven't found the answer,
I’m sure there is a reason why,
but I seem to forget it now,
am I the devil or it is normal in all relationship,
people keep on saying "you need to find someone
who love you more than you love him",
but what if I am so in loved with him
to realize that he love me more than I do,
somehow I haven't seen the sign,
my heart is sure that he love me,
but my mind keep on denying it....

I think I'm in love

I remember when we first met eachother
Clicked auomatically,we were always together
and i was kind of scared cause I never felt this way
I wanted to be with you every single day
You always called and made me laugh when I was mad
and somehow you made me smile when I was feelin' so sad
Finally you told me you had feelings for me
The way you described it, I was feeling the same thing
The way you held my hand and kissed my forehead
The things you said had me laughing to myself while I was in my bed
the feeling I had for you went from a crush to a rush to where I always put u above
And now all I can say is... I think Im inlove

I Love You

On Sunday afternoons in the middle of July
I like sitting in the sun just looking in the sky.
I like listening to the birds singing in the trees - in July.

I hate going to work when the sun shines
Or standing in the rain.
I hate queuing at a bus stop,
Or trying to read a paper on a train.

On cold December mornings I like walking through the snow
I like watching all the people as off to work they go.
I like dozing in a chair, without a care - in December.

On rainy April days I just like sitting at home.
I like reading a book or simply being alone.
I like thinking of you, and all the things that you do - in April
But most of all I like loving you.

You're a Sunday afternoon, a December morning too.
You're an April day, sunshine in June
- You're you.
I Love You

The day is bright and you are too.
I need to say that I love you.

When the dark wind blows and many fear;
It's good to know that you are near.

The more I learn, the more I know
That in my heart, your love does gro

My Everything....

You are my everything you mean the world to me,
You are in everything i do and see..

You are my everything my sun on a hot summers day,
You make me feel loved in every way..

You are my everything mymoon on a starlit night,
Only you have the power to make everything alright..

You are my everything my earth my wind my fire,
Your my one and only fantasy your my lifetime one desire..

You are my everything ive loved you from the start,
My everything its you that owns my heart..

Not ready

I hate hearing your voice at the end I cry already
I want to call back and tell you, but I think you’re not ready Even though you ask why I cry
these tears of pain not knowing why
The thing is I’m afraid I cry for you that is why I cry
I don’t think one day has gone by
that you haven’t crossed my mind
every time I remember I cry.
I can’t even go to bed, cause when I close my eyes
all I see is you in my head
Why it hurts so bad to love I don’t know
Its even so hard letting go

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


If love comes from appreciating goodness, it needn't just happen -- you can make it happen. Love is active. You can create it. Just focus on the good in another person (and everyone has some). If you can do this easily, you'll love easily.

I was once at an intimate concert in which the performer, a deeply spiritual person, gazed warmly at his audience and said, "I want you to know, I love you all." I smiled tolerantly and thought, "Sure." Looking back, though, I realize my cynicism was misplaced. This man naturally saw the good in others, and our being there said enough about us that he could love us. Judaism actually idealizes this universal, unconditional love.
Obviously, there's a huge distance from here to the far more profound, personal love developed over the years, especially in marriage. But seeing goodness is the beginning.
Susan learned about this foundation of love after becoming engaged to David. When she called her parents to tell them the good news, they were elated. At the end of the conversation, her mother said, "Darling, I want you to know we love you, and we love David."
Susan was a bit dubious. "Mom," she said hesitantly, "I really appreciate your feelings, but, in all honesty, how can you say you love someone you've never met?"

"We're choosing to love him," her mother explained, "because love is a choice."
There's no better wisdom Susan's mother could have imparted to her before marriage. By focusing on the good, you can love almost anyone.

Types of Love

The type of love that most people think of first is romantic love.Romantic love is the feeling that you experience when you develop a deep attachment to someone and you want to become involved in a relationship with that person. You may fall into romantic love several times over the course of your love when you meet someone and slowly grow to form an attachment to them. 

Platonic love is the other main type of love. This is the type of love you feel for your parents, children, siblings and friends. With this type of love, you don't necessarily need to develop or build the feelings over time. Instead, you feel this type of love because you are part of a family and because you provide care and support for each other.

Each of these types of love can take the form of unconditional love. Unconditional love means that, no matter what a person does, the feelings of love and care will not diminish. While unconditional love is most common between parents and children, it can also exist in other relationships as well. It is this type of love that people think of in famous quotes from movies such as "love means never having to say you're sorry." This is also the type of love which parents express when they tell their children they will love them no matter what.

Finally, the saddest type of love is unrequited love. This type of emotion exists when the strong feelings of affection are one-sided. For example, a person may believe he is in love with a friend, and the friend may not return those feelings or feel as strongly. Unrequited love is most common in romantic love.

Is Love Painful?

Love...Who hasn't experienced the pain of love? Or is it the pain of rejection? The pain of self doubt? The pain of fear? It's important to distinguish between love and totally separate feelings.
When it comes to pain surrounding love, we're more likely referring to the “add-ons” of love. The love baggage, we might call it. For some reason, many people assume negative emotions are a part or element of love. But experientially we know this isn't true.
Love is not painful, it feels incredible. The pain and hurt we feel doesn’t come from love, it comes from our doubts, fears, anxiety, perceived rejections, broken trusts, anger, jealousy, envy, etc. So why do we as a culture lump all those other feelings in with love?
Perhaps its because we feel these uncomfortable emotions most often in association with our love relationships. Our primary relationships are important to us, so we assume these doubts and fears are all part of the loving experience. But is this really true?
When we are fearful, angry, anxious, unhappy, or jealous, are we truly experiencing a state of love? They sure feel different, don't they? Love feels warm, open, joyous and filled with a deep sense of appreciation. Pain steps into a love relationship when you switch it from a "wanted relationship," into a "needed relationship." You don't NEED any one relationship. Want? Yes. Need? No.
If you go into a relationship not feeling terribly good about yourself, you're more likely to become dependent on your partner to help you feel good about yourself.  If we felt empty before they appeared in our lives, we fear the emptiness returning if they leave, so their staying with us becomes paramount. That dependency can create all kinds of fear and unhappiness when there's a perceived threat to you staying together.
If we aren’t giving ourselves the acceptance we crave, we look to those around us to provide it for us. Again, none of this has a thing to do with the love you feel, but everything to do with the fear you feel.

If you really want to remove the love baggage of fear and unhappiness, the first step is to improve your self awareness and self acceptance.

How Do We Express Love?

"Action speak louder than words". But action without words is empty and words without action is confusing.

Love is a beautiful emotion that makes one laugh and cry. Enjoy this emotion by expressing it to your loved ones.  You're happy when he is and sad when he is hurting. He shares the same feelings as you do. Yet, in this fast paced age, we forget to express our love.Emotional safety and security plays major role in any relationship.

We don’t always express our love. Love is a feeling and the expression of that feeling is separate. It’s an action. There’s a practical reason we don’t always express our love for another. It’s an issue of TIME. We only have 24 hours in a day (if you make it up that way). If the expression of love was a core ingredient to love, we would have to be stingy with who we loved, because there simply wouldn’t be enough time to demonstrate our love for everyone! If you see the distinction between the feeling and the expression, you can then love endless numbers of people.

Love expressed is when you give your attention, your time, your focus to someone. Webster defines attention as “the giving of one’s mind to something." There are many ways in which we give our attention to another:
     * We use our five senses. Our ears to listen. Being completely present with the one who is   
       speaking. The best way to express love is listen to your spouse carefully. Don't interrupt
       while he/she is saying something.
     * Our eyes, watching another, undivided attention. 
     * Tasting/smelling? (I’ll let you figure that one out). 
     * Touching, giving a hug, holding a hand, a caress, or sexual expression. 
     * Saying nice words to each other is a great way of expressing your love. Frequent   
        compliments or reading nice things to each other is a great way to strengthen your bond.

Basic Components of Love

Many have said that "Love is Blind" but Love is not truly blind, it sees but it doesn't mind.  From now many are afraid to love because they are afraid to be hurt, even though their falling in love to someone they quarel their selves for the contradiction they felt and ask why? why him/her?  what's on him/her i felt this way?, that seems i can't control and wanted these to burst... They've said when your inlove prepare yourself for its consequences, that the fact you may get hurt at such times because maybe affected by the life circumstances...Love expressed is when you give your attention, your time, your focus to someone. Webster defines attention as “the giving of one’s mind to something." 

What do you feel when you love someone? If distilled down to it’s core components, what would those be? Yes, love is an emotion, a feeling, a wanting, and a “being”. We know it feels good, but what specific feelings, wantings, and beings are present when we feel love? Here are the common denominators of love... 

 Basic Components of Love?

Love is Accepting.
Acceptance is labeling someone as "okay" and having no particular desire to change them. Who they are is perfectly fine with you. You pose no condition on whether you will love them or not. This is call unconditional love. When your love IS conditional, the moment they step outside your set of conditions, love evaporates.

Love is Appreciating.
Appreciation is one step beyond acceptance. Its when your focus is on what you like about another. We look at them and feel this sweeping appreciation for who they are, their joy, their insights, their humor, their companionship, etc. When someone says they are "in love" with another, they mean their appreciation is so enormous for this person that it consumes their every thought.

Love is Wanting Another to Feel Good.
We want those we love to be happy, safe, healthy, and fulfilled. We want them to feel good in all ways, physically, mentally and emotionally.

Kinds of Love

 Throughout the history of mankind, we as a world culture have made love out to be mysterious, complex, difficult, and undefinable. It’s the subject of endless poems and literary works. There is an enormous amount of material available out there about love, a lot of it contradictory. This post is heavily based on a chapter from Dr. Ed Wheat’s “Love Life for Every Married Couple”. The book is very faith based and draws from many Biblical sources but also applies many useful theories and practices in sustaining a healthy marriage or recovering one. I found it to give me some strong tools in both.

Epithumia: Is of Greek origin and is a love based on a strong desire of many sorts. Many times it is associated with lust or sometimes to covet. While epithumia love can draw couples closer together it can also be divisive as it can lead to an uncontrollable desire to have or to own. We often hear on this forum from people who desperately try and draw a spouse back after they have become detached from the marriage. The efforts can be overwhelming to the retreating spouse as epithumia love can be seen as controlling. Epithumia love can also nurture strong bonds in a couple if they both experience it especially in a sexual context. To mutually desire each other sexually and to engross themselves in love making that is driven both by desire and selflessness in pleasing each other. Epithumia love is a double edged sword and is most likely manifested in a positive manner in the early stages of a relationship.

Eros: This the love most associated with romance. It is that head-over-heals feeling we get when a relationship moves forward. Your world and mind circles about your loved one and they are always on your mind. You strive for time together romantically. It is manifested in poetry, words of affirmation, love making, that special look in the eyes.…. A feeling that you could not be happy in life without their companionship and love. Eros love is wholly emotional and cannot be summoned at will. Sadly while most of us have experience eros love in our lives it is not sustainable. Most experts estimate that it will only last 18 – 24 months in the best of relationship before the relationship moves on to another form of love. While eros love is not sustainable, it can cycle in and out of a relationship over its course.

Storge: (Also Greek) Storge love is often described as a comfortable old shoe relationship comprised of natural affection and a sense of belonging to each other. Storge love represents a safe haven for couples as it is a place of acceptance, mutual respect and shelter. Many couple dwell in storge love for years and misunderstand it as mundane or boring. But in effect it is a very safe place but can simply lack that spark we seek. It can also serve as the moat around your marriage protecting it from outside forces and allow the other types of loves to dwell and flourish. Storge love can co-exist with other types of love and can be likened to a foundation made up of trust and safety.

Phileo: This love cherishes and has tender affection for the beloved but it expects a response. It is a love of relationship, comradeship, sharing, communication and friendship. While eros makes lovers phileo makes a close companionship that is all trusting. They share each other’s thoughts, feelings, attitudes, plans and dreams. They confide in each other the most intimate secrets, fears and needs that they would not share with another. A marriage without phileo will be unsatisfactory no matter the passion in the bedroom.

Agape: Many have heard me speak of agape love in several posts over the last year. Agape love is of particular significance to marriages in troubled waters, especially if one partner has disconnected. To love agapely is to love your spouse completely, love them wholly, but expect nothing in return from them at the current time. Agape love is different from eros love in that it is not sexual, nor romantic in nature. Its nature is that of self sacrifice but is not unconditional. You can love your spouse completely and still have boundaries and maintain your self respect. Agape love is also different from the other kinds of love in that you can choose it. You can elect to love your spouse this way because it is what is best for your family and marriage. It is a giving of yourself for the betterment of the marriage. Agape love can help you to “protect” yourself emotionally during difficult times as you love your spouse but expect nothing in return. Many I talk to have difficulty in trying to apply this type of love but if the marriage is in trouble and the detached spouse still cares for you but is in danger of leaving agape love can do wonders both for you and the marriage.

By understanding the kinds of love that can exist might help in determining where you are in your relationship and where you might want to be. These loves can come and go in a marriage. IThey can also intertwine with each other to form a stronger bond.

What is Love?

What is this thing that they called "LOVE"? that seems everybody has opinion with it ,some are glad they found it while some felt it at worst that  to curse them in a harsh way. We do have different definition of love because we define it through our experiences and we do have different experiences. Some experience love at peakest moment of happiness, while others on the contrary, some are also discourage to love because of some people who exploit love in action. We’ve been given the impression that to define love is near to impossible. Maybe there’s a fear that if we define it, it would somehow be less powerful...less impactful. Maybe we like the mystery of it. But is it really that complicated? Perhaps the complications surrounding love come from all “stuff” we add on to this powerful emotion. Lets drop all the baggage surrounding relationships and define what it is we are experiencing in the moment of love.

Love is seeing an imperfect person perfectly. - Sam Keen  
Love is the answer to "all" questions! 

Love is a bond or connection between two people that results in trust, intimacy, and an interdependence that enhances both partners.
Love is the ability and willingness to allow those you care for to be what they choose for themselves, without any insistence that they satisfy you. - Leo Buscaglia 

Love is friendship set on fire. - Jeremy Taylor 

If you would be loved, love and be lovable. - Benjamin Franklin 

Making Love is the highest level and the most loving way we can physically express or demonstrate our Love for our love partner. Everyone knows that the sexual experience can be the single most loving, most exciting, most powerful, most exhilarating, most renewing, most energizing, most affirming, most intimate, most uniting, most stress-relieving, most recreative physical experience of which humans are capable. 

How love hone you? Glad to leave your comments.


How Tell Him That You Like Him

The first step is to admit it to yourself that you are in love. Then, you just have to share it with them. Since you have to tell them one way or another, all you have to do is choose which way.
The old fashion way: Call, blurt it out, and hang up.
Alternately: Call, don’t talk and dedicate play their favorite song.
This seems kind of stupid, but romantic! You may look like a coward, and they won’t be 100% sure it’s you, but it’s enough to get their attention.
The romantic way: Give them a rose or a love letter, or draw something.
In other words, use your talents and make your statement as an artist. You can write something of your own, or copy a “I love you” quote or poem (you can find them after a brief search over the Web). You don’t have to give them yourself. You can leave them in their desk, their pocket or outside their house. You can also send them flowers (guys admit that they love being sent flowers) including a special dedication.
The heroic way: Throw it into their face
Better choose to tell them when they least expect to hear it, like when you are having dinner at a restaurant and they can’t overreact. However, you can tell them any time you want, when you are jogging together, when you are stuck in a traffic jam…just take a big breath and go for it!
The modern way: Send an e-mail gift card or text message.
This is less painful. You don’t have to look them in the eye while telling them. But you risk that they may not answer; at least not immediately. Maybe they won’t check their email, or may have forgotten their cell phone at home. In case they doesn’t answer you, can either assume that they don’t want to, or that you are a bit unlucky and their phone was stolen that day! If you can stand the entire waiting thing, you can try something like that.
The devious way: Make them tell you first.
You can simply ask them if they love you during a romantic night. They wouldn’t like to spoil the atmosphere – if you are not afraid to be a little more provocative, you can ask him between the sheets (the worst answer they can give you is yes). You can also ask in front of your friends during a conversation or during a table game. They’ll spit it out first, unless they want to make a fool out of themselves.
The childish way: Besides funny notes and little hand-made presents, you can write a “I love you” note and tie it to a rock. Then throw the rock into their room. You might break a window or two, but it’ll be worth it. They say the only difference between a man and a boy are their toys. So, if that is true, he’ll love it!
The extreme way: Print their photo, write “I love you” on it, and post it somewhere they’ll see it for sure! Which train do they take to go to work? Which building do they see every morning when they open their window? Does their house have an elevator? That’s a good choice!
I have tried them all and they all worked. Not because I used the right way for the right man, but because every “I love you” is never a total waste. I mean, sometimes all it needs is to just say it!
I’m always looking into motivational books and books that can help us overcome difficult situations. Lately I’ve stumbled upon a book that I have found very interesting especially for someone that has been separated with his/her other half but can’t stand it and want him back into his life. It’s a very good book with practical and real advice that can help you win your other half back in case you have been separated. Just leave your comments and tell me what did you think of it!